Beer Chef Bruce Paton’s next beer dinner next year will feature the classic beers of Schneider Weisse from Germany. It will be a four-course dinner and well worth the $75 price of admission. It will be held at the Cathedral Hill Hotel on Friday, June 22, 2007, beginning with a reception at 6:30 p.m. Call 415.674.3406 for reservations. The reservations may be closed now, but perhaps if you call today they may let you in.
The Menu:
Reception: 6:30 PM
Beer Chef’s Hors D’Oeuvre
Schneider Edel WeisseDinner: 7:30 PM
First Course
Butter Poached Gulf Prawns with Hobbs Apple Wood Bacon Flan and Citrus Nage
Beer: Schneider Weisse
Second Course:
Trifecta of Duck Preparations (Three Winners)
Beer: Aventinus Doppelbock
Third Course:
Chocolate Bread Pudding with Hazelnut Sabayon
Beer: Aventinus Weizen Eisbock
Dinner with the Brewmaster: Schneider Weisse
Cathedral Hill Hotel, 1101 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, California
415.674.3406 [ website ]
Y’know, I gotta complain: these stupid beer dinners are always for meat eaters! I know for a fact that beer goes great with veggies. Harumph.