Come join me and my family this Saturday for the inaugural San Francisco Giants Brewfest at the ballpark, sponsored in part by the San Francisco Brewers Guild. All seven brewery members (Beach Chalet, 21st Amendment, Thirsty Bear, Social Kitchen Brewery, Magnolia Pub, Speakeasy & Gordon Biersch) will be pouring their beer from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, and then the game begins at 6:05. Tickets are $20, which includes a commemorative glass, unlimited samples, music by “The Famous” and tickets to the Giants vs. Diamondbacks game.
What could be better than a deal like that? How about free tickets? Leave a comment here telling me why you’d like to go to the Brewfest and the baseball game this Saturday and the best answer will win two tickets, courtesy of the San Francisco Giants and the Brewer’s Guild. Comments, or entries, must be posted here by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday (yes, that’s in two days) and the winning entry will be announced at 6:00 p.m. The winner will then be able to pick up their tickets at will call on Saturday. See you there!
UPDATE 5.27: And the winner …? It was a tough choice, there were many worthwhile entries. I almost chose the newly engaged couple, and the recent San Diego transplant. Then there was the never-been-kissed friend and the intern on his first weekend in San Francisco. But I was most moved by the plight of Stuart Dejesus, who desperately needs a day away. He’s trying to plan a wedding with twin 10-month old babies. I think he and his fiance deserve a day in the (hopefully) sun. Congratulations Stuart, your tickets will be at will call under your name.
After moving from Boston to the Bay Area, I need to dole out some serious beer education to some California natives that aren’t even aware of what’s in their backyard.
I love Brewers Guild events and my friend loves Giants baseball. Friends helping friends enjoying local greatness.
I plan my vacation schedule around baseball games, and I plan my weekends around beer festivals. That pretty much sums me up.
“There is only one game at the heart of America and that is baseball, and only one beverage to be found sloshing at the depths of our national soul and that is beer.”
-Peter Richmond
well…my fiance and i desperately need a fun day out and away from our 10 mo old twin boys and wedding planning. my friends just cashed the last keg of homebrew in the kegerator and the currently fermenting batch is at least a week and a half away from ready…I need an f’ing beer.
I haven’t missed a “meet the brewers” guild event for over a year. How about a fanboy reward?
It is my friends birthday. He has been out of a job for a while, so I want to show him a really good time. What better way than to give him tickets. Oh, P.S. My friend is 25 years old and he has never kissed a girl. Maybe we can make it happen at the fest!
Because I freakin love beer, it is my passion. No one would appreciate these tix more.
It is my first full weekend in San Francisco in my life. I am in the city for the summer interning for free, love West Coast beer (haven’t tried at least half of the brewers), and need to get to a Giants game at some point. I would love the chance to sample then kick back and enjoy the game!
I am glad to see the Giants get on board for such an event. The A’s have been doing something similar for years.
I just moved up from San Diego, the land of bountiful west coast IPA and Padres baseball. This is an opportunity for Nor Cal to convert me in one fell swoop!
Well, not quite the coolest reason but I’d love the tickets because I’m trying to learn more about craft beer. I didn’t like beer, but picked up homebrew as a hobby since it looked fun and my roommates like a good beer (bored makes people do odd things). So I started homebrewing and found some styles of beer I do like, but I’m still having trouble finding pro-brewed beers I like. Going to a brewfest would be a great way to expand my beer horizons without the uncertainty of buying a bottle or six-pack of beer I may or may not like.
Because my boyfriend just proposed, and beer + baseball is a great way to begin paying him back for making me so happy. Go Giants!