Last year I decided to concentrate on Bock ads. Bock, of course, originated in Germany, in the town of Einbeck. Because many 19th century American breweries were founded by German immigrants, they offered a bock at certain times of the year, be it Spring, Easter, Lent, Christmas, or what have you. In a sense they were some of the first seasonal beers. “The style was later adopted in Bavaria by Munich brewers in the 17th century. Due to their Bavarian accent, citizens of Munich pronounced ‘Einbeck’ as ‘ein Bock’ (a billy goat), and thus the beer became known as ‘Bock.’ A goat often appears on bottle labels.” And presumably because they were special releases, many breweries went all out promoting them with beautiful artwork on posters and other advertising.
Sunday’s ad if for Rheingold Genuine Bock Beer and was published March 9, 1959. The ad was created for Liebmann Breweries, founded in 1837. The lithograph was created in 1880. The ad is signed but I’ll be damned if I can read the signature. Best I can make out is something like … well, no, I looked again and I can’t make heads or tales of it. I do love the stenciling on the keg and the goat peeking out from behind it, but especially the letter from Dr. Ringelmann, Secretary of State, about the Original Gravity.

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