Friday’s ad is for Tuborg, from 1983. Showing “Today’s Tuborg,” which apparently is all about being “The Best of Both Worlds,” whatever that means. I only know what it doesn’t include.
No Jocks.
No Jokes.
No Cowboys.
No Horses.
No Mountains.
No Sunsets.
No Songs.
No Tricks.
No Gimmicks.
Nothing But Great Beer Taste.
(As a devoted reader might I mention that the new format of the Bulletin is much harder to read than the old one. For the previous one, it was easy to read the current posting and see the last few at a glance. I’d go back to that if possible).
The reason they stated best of both worlds was surely that around this time, Tubrog was being brewed in the U.S. The taste did change and IIRC there was some geffufle about it in the nascent beer press. So they were trying to make a negative into a positive, IMO. Oddly perhaps, the current Tuborg, brewed I think in Turkey, reminds me of the circa-1983 one brewed in the U.S. Lighter and drier than the original which was rich, rounded and had a trademark flavour.