Today in 1996, US Patent 5564602 A was issued, an invention of James Cleland and Melvin Kyees, for their “Beer-Dispensing System and Apparatus.” Here’s the Abstract:
A beer-dispensing apparatus including a source of cooled pressurized gas-ladened beer, an elongate beer delivery line extending from the source of beer to a remote beer-dispensing station, a normally closed beer-dispensing valve at the beer-dispensing station, a liquid glycol chilling and recirculating unit, a heat exchanger beer delivery structure including an elongate beer-conducting balance line smaller in inside diameter than the beer delivery line and connected with and extending between the beer delivery line and the valve, an elongate glycol-conducting tube extending longitudinally of and in heat transfer relationship with the balance tube and connected with the glycol chilling and recirculating unit to cause chilled glycol to continuously circulate through it; a thermally insulated heat-storing aluminum body about the balance and glycol tubes; glycol flowing through the glycol tube progressively lowers the temperature of beer flowing downstream through the balance tube to the valve.