Wednesday’s ad is for Budweiser, from the 1950s. It’s a billboard ad, showing a player sliding into a home in a cloud of dust, with the ump declaring him to be “safe.” It appears to be part of A-B’s long-running “Where There’s Life … There’s Bud” series.
That drawing would cause any serious baseball fan like me to go “HUH?”. Let me count the ways:
1. Where’s the base (has to be 2nd/3rd; the fielder has a fielder’s mitt)?
2. The slide indicates that the bottom leg is the one intended to touch the bag; it’s @ the knee, so the base is to slider’s right, which means that:
3. The ump is straddling the bag, which is the WRONG place to be.
4. There’s way too much dust.
5. Only at a company picnic would there be a tub of beer at a base, & the ump certainly wouldn’t be in coat & tie.
Bottom line: Whoever drew that got the players right, but didn’t know from Shinola about baseball.