The closing event for SF Beer Week was again hosted by the Celebrator Beer News, who held their 25th Anniversary Party at the Oakland Marriott Convention Center on Sunday. Over 600 people attended the festival, which had a Mardi Gras theme, and 50 breweries were pouring their beer.
The tap handle for the beer that a group of Celebrator writer’s collaborated on to celebrate our 25th anniversary at Sierra Nevada Brewing
Some festival attendees really got into the Mardi Gras spirit.
Though not everybody, as evidenced by the Beer Wench, Ashley Routson, and recent husband Angelo De lseo.
Steve Altimari, from High Water Brewing, also made a special blended beer for our 25th anniversary celebration.
The view from the Brewing Network corner.
Midway through the festival, all of the Celebrator writers in attendance got up on stage and we drank a toast to craft beer, the brewers and our industry, and I introduced publisher Tom Dalldorf.
Then Tom led us in a 25th anniversary toast.
Del Grande, Bison Brewing owner, dressed as a bison, giving high fours to anyone who would lend a paw.
Fraggle and a bemused Jen Muehlbauer.
Rich Norgrove, from Bear Republic and Brian Ford, from Auburn Alehouse, bookending a friend who’s name I can’t remember, another brain cell casualty of getting old.
Terence, from Sierra Nevada, with Natalie, from Russian River.
The long and the short of it, with Sean Paxton, Nicole Erny and some friends.
Don Gortemiller, from Pacific Coast, and Dave Heist, formerly of Hoptown, with a friend.
More buffalo hijinks toward the end of the evening.
Don Ericson and Tom Dalldorf raise a toast to our 25th anniversary. See you next year.