Earlier today, the 24th annual Double IPA Festival was held at the Bistro in Hayward, California. I got there early for judging again this year, and spent the morning holed up in the basement, where we judged Double IPAs for most of the morning, before choosing our top three favorites.

After emerging from the dark into the light, it was nice to see a bright, sunny day in beautiful downtown Hayward.

At 2:00 pm., owner Vic Kralj announced the winners:
Double IPAs
- 1st Place: The Suspense is Terrible, by Sunriver Brewing, from Sunriver, Oregon
- 2nd Place: HopTomic, by Morgan Territory Brewing, from Tracy, California
- 3rd Place: Chux, by Danville Brewing, in Danville, California

People’s Choice Awards
Double IPA: Cone Goblin, by Ghost Town Brewing, from Oakland, California, in collaboration with Alvarado Street Brewing, headquartered in Monterey, California